Monday, November 06, 2006

I just watched a baby being born

and it was unreal. I watched the birth of a gooey baby boy. When I got to Labor & Delivery she was 7 cm dilated (that was at 10:15) and at 11:45 she gave birth to a boy. It was totally crazy. She pushed out the head in, like, 4 pushes, and then the rest of the baby kinda just fell out. Like - they drs were like "Don't push" (because they were suctioning the baby) and he came out any way.

I didn't get to stay for the stiches afterwards, I had to leave, but I'm so glad I got to see it.

I can go on about the miracle of child birth. But everyone knows it. And I can't possibly put in to words the way it made me feel. This is what I want to do with my life. I hope to see many many more baby's born, and this was the first.

I wonder if this is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Like, the details. Will I worry about the boy? His mother, who was bipolar, was obviously not very prepared - she had no one planned to pick her up from the hospital, and she didn't have a car seat that would be ready when she goes home. Who will this boy grow up to be? Will he develop normally? Will he grow to be a good guy? Will he be healthy?

I supposed I'll learn not to worry too much.


Unknown said...

I wondered about something like this once while watching the Cosby show ("Push em out, shove em out, waaaaay out!"). It seemed to me that Cliff delivered scores of babies over his career, and wouldnt it be cool to have some log of them all? To point to a face on the wall or in a book and say what good that boy's done with his life and take a moment of pride that you pulled him into the world. But that would be a full time job, almost impossible to do without a dedicated staff of researchers. Anyone want the job? it pays terribly!

jewchick said...

In theory, that would be really cool, but privacy laws would probably prevent having pictures. Or names. Or any other information that could identify them.

jewchick said...

Also, while you want to feel like, "hey, I delivered a baby" it's really like you said - you kinda just pulled them out. You didn't do anything, just encouraged the mom a bit. She delivered the baby, not me.

Erica said...

Oh, mazel tov ...

These days I've been privy to seeing clips of Anna Nicole Smith's c-section on every channel I turn to.

I'd much rather see a vag-birth than the alternative (which was my preferred entrance into the world, strangely).