Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New York, New York

So, I went to Maryland twice over the last month, for a bridal shower and then, last night, for a wedding. Both times it occured to me that every road leads to NY. When driving south, you go south to Trenton, then south to Philadelphia, then south to Baltimore. But the second you get on the road in Baltimore going North, you're going north to NY.

It always makes me feel good when I'm on my way home, like - yup, I'm going the right way to the right place. It's a warm fuzzy feeling.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Anticipated Sequels to the Children's Book "Everbody Poops"


- - - -

Everyone Lies

Everyone Hates Brussels Sprouts

Everyone Has Premarital Sex

Everyone Dies


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Women's Vote

I'm in class now. Yes - I'm in class and blogging, but I'm blogging about class, so I guess I'm kinda paying attention. We're learning Women's History, watching a documentary about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.

Imagine being in Seneca Falls. Stanton reads the changed declaration of independence, to include women, and adds a "Bill of Rights," including the right for women to vote. What is your reaction? Wouldn't you think there would be cheers for this idea?

There weren't. There was mumbling. Everyone there thought she was crazy. Even the women who helped put together the Seneca Falls Convention for Women's Rights. Mott, one of these women, said, "Lizzie, you'll make a fool of us." The person who backed her up in this declaration was Fredrick Douglas, former slave.

Can you imagine? People really thought she was crazy to ask that women should vote! It was another 75 years before this right was given. It's impossible for me to understand Here are these women, getting together to fight for women's rights, and they think she's crazy...


Friday, June 09, 2006


We went to one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to tonight.
The guys is Tzvi's friend, and he's had a tough time over the past couple of years. His first wife was, um, lets say - a life lesson, and his mom died two years ago. I've spoken to him a couple times, but I've never seen him look so happy.
He spoke under the chuppah, right when he came in. He explained that the yellow rose he was holding was his mother's favorite flower, as well as what she walked down with at her wedding, and the song, "Sunrise, Sunset" the song she walked down to. He then spoke to her, something along the lines of, "Even though you're not here, I know you're watching down on me." There was not a dry eye in the house.
Fine, so that part wasn't happy - that was heart wrenching. But watching him with his new kallah, and dancing with his friends - that was happy. Also happy, his brother is getting married in two weeks, his father is getting married in August, and his younger brother's Bar Mitzvah is this year. So, this was the first of many simchas coming up for the family, and there was just this total happiness surrounding everything.
The kallah's family is conservative, so the first half of the wedding was for the orthodox group, and the second half was for the conservative group. And watching the two of them dance together, there was so much love, so much happiness, so much looking forward to the future.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Who are you? Part II

Believe it or not, this question just came up again.
I'm taking two summer classes - Women History/ Femenist Theory and Sociology of Marriage and Family. It's actually working out very nicely, because I was able to answer questions today in history because of the reading I did last night for soc... very convinient.
Anyways, point it - in my soc class, my teacher (Dr. Sigler, a Jewish old crazy man) handed us index cards and asked for information - name, contact information, marital status, and he asked us to answer 4 questions - the first one, "Who are you?"
He read a few of the answers, most people tried to answer, to discribe themselves. He read mine, too, and there was a resounding "Oooohhh..."