Thursday, July 20, 2006

Vacation is a beautiful thing

Seriously, gorgeous.
I had two friends over for shabbos, which was really nice. They stayed 'till Sunday morning... it was really nice - I got a chance to hangout, like - fun hanging, and I got to talk, seriously, about life, religion and other important things.
Sunday was spent with Tzvi, which is always a pleasure. Monday the plan was to see Superman in IMAX 3D, that didn't really work out for us - it was sold out. Of course, by the time we got there I was so totally dehydrated, after the gym and the 800 degree weather, that I just couldn't walk outside again. So, we saw the Da Vinci Code. We agreed to disagree with the critics, we liked it better than the book.
Tuesday's kinda a blur. After coming home and barely being able to move I overslept. Then I went out to lunch, and when I came home I dont think I moved much. Oh, except to clean the bathroom. I got all this energy around 5ish and scrubbed the bathroom from top to bottom, changed the shower curtain liner and everything.
Wednesday was a great day, except for my failure in sneaker shopping. I went to the gym, came home and showered, and then 3 of my friends came over and we hung out for a while, it was so nice.
Today was kinda boringish... spent the whole day making the Young Israel Day Camp's Newsletter... not done yet.
Tomorrow should be a pretty chilled day. I'll probably wake up late and excersize in the house, since the gym's closed on Fridays.
That's it.