Gay Pride Parade
I promise, I'm not a liberal. I'm a republican... but...
I just saw a sign in my shul yesterday to contact XY&Z organizations to do whatever they can to stop the gay pride parade in yerushalayim. It gave me this terrible fear of what's going to be. There's a terrible feeling against gays in our community-- and I understand, they're an abomination according to the Torah, but what does that mean for us? Does it mean that we should scare them away from the community? Make them hate our religion because of what we did to them as teenagers? Or should we embrace them, just tell them that they are not allowed to act on their gay inclinations.
I can only imagine the feelings of the gay teenage boy - of course, no one knows he's gay - and how must he feel, seeing that sign in his shul. And oy, what's going to happen at the parade--which, let's face it, is going to happen. What kind of massive Chillul Hashem is going to be? How much can we NOT afford to make a chillul Hashem at a time like this?
I dont know, maybe Hashem wants us to make a Chillul Hashem about some thing like this. Does this count as today's avodah zarah? How do we decide something so huge?
I think the real problem with a "gay pride parade" is the fact that the display seeks to flaunt sexuality that the Torah labels an "abomination."
I would hope that a person in our own communities struggling with an inclination towards homosexuality would not take the protestation of a parade as a commentary against him and his struggle (or her and her struggle), but as a commentary against the flaunting of sexuality On that note, it a group ever tried to counter the parade with a disgusting display of hetrosexuality, I'd hope the frum community would be up in arms too.
I don't mind them doing the parade in another place. I just don't want them to do it in Jerusalem which is the holiest city. Just like they want respect, they should respect us too.
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