So, since I passed the Boards, I've been looking for a job. Considering this huge nursing shortage, you'd think that employers would call a person who put in a resume. You'd be wrong. I've been chasing hospital's, and finally had an AWESOME interview with human resources last Wednesday at the local hospital. I have part two of the interview tomorrow with the nurse manager on the unit.
As you may recall, I want to be a midwife. There are no open positions on the Labor & Delivery Unit, but the unit that I'm interviewing for is a maternity/emergency overflow unit - so I should get great experience in maternity as well as emergency medicine. IF I get this job.
In the meantime, I've been working for my dad, typing dictation and doing his billing.
Pesach was beautiful. I'm so greatful that we live in the same community as our parents, because - let me tell you - I had enough family time for a while, I can only imagine what it's like for people who have to sleep at their parents/in-laws as well as eat there. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I love my in-laws... but it was like, "The Berenstein Bears and too much Yom Tov."
On Friday I baby sat for my (beautiful) niece, and gave her a bath - which was so cute, because she has this hooded towel, and around the hood is a flower, so it looks like she's a flower, and it's just SO sweet.
We went out to friends friday night for dinner, which was really nice, and had company shabbos lunch - we moved the table in to the living room so that my friend who's on bedrest could join us, and lie on the couch during lunch.
Weight Watchers is going well. I'm down 23.6 pounds, which is great... but now I'm looking at pictures of myself from the summer and they're making me nauseated.
That's all I can think of for now...
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