Well, it was a busy week, but I still managed to do the switch - I am currently blogging from the beta version. They main difference for me is the homepage - it's nicer looking. Also, when you go to "Edit Posts" it also shows how many comments, which I don't think regular blogger does.
You can do a lot of fun stuff with your template, which I tried - the coolest thing is the color shuffling tool - it randomizes the color of different aspects of your blog with the colors that you have already chosen - the only issue is that if you changed your template (like I did), you lose those changes. They keep a copy of your old template so you can go back, which I did, because I couldn't figure out how to keep the things I changed (like the comments opening on the page, or showing only new comments) in the new blogger.
So, my busy week... I had my first pediatric nursing test, and got an A (yay!!) which was really exciting. Today I went to an information session at SUNY Downstate for their RN-BSN program. I was really nervous, but I spoke to the credit/gpa evaluator person, and she said that I was "competitive" - which is really Really exciting.
And, of course, all of my classes decided to give papers due over the chaggim, so that's been fun trying to get done, especially since there are NO MORE SUNDAYS.
So, thats what's been happening. I haven't seen my husband for a week because of classes and studying, and tonight is long slichot, so he's gonna be out for a while... maybe we'll get so spend some time together over Rosh Hashana. That would be nice.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
I'm doing it
Okay, After this post, I'm going to take the plunge to try better blogging. So, if I dissappear, you'll know that I'm lost in the world of Betas.
Posted by
11:28 AM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Better Blogging?
So, there's this Blogger in Beta thing, has anyone tried that? I'm always in to trying things in beta, but they said that if you try it you can't go back.
So, please - let me know if you've tried it, and what you think.
Posted by
9:41 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
School is Cool
So, I'm back at school.
No, really -- so far so good. My nursing teacher's great, and my clinical instructor is really sweet. Last year's pediatric nursing class had a terrible teacher, and apparently they weren't so happy with her, so she suddenly took a sabatical, leaving us with a GREAT teacher. I'm also taking History of the Soviet Union, which is actually really interesting. My teacher doesn't seem sweet or anything, but she's really interested in the subject, which makes for great teaching. I'm taking Abnormal Psych, which SHOULD be a good class, but the teacher's REALLY boring. Really, really boring. 3 people got up and left in the middle of the first class, because she's so boring, and it's a night class - once a week, which means that it's from 6:30 to 9:50, which is like FOREVER. And it's forever of my longest day... I start at 8 AM and have only one hour - 5:30-6:30 break. So by the time I get there I'm exhausted, and I have to sit through her monotone, it's not the greatest situation.
Anyways, at least pediatrics is good - that's the most important thing.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
More About Israel
Family Time:
Town, on Motzei Shabbos:
Angels for Lunch:
Old City Day:
So, that was our trip in picture form.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I know, it's been a really long time, but I was in Israel, and didn't have any time to post, and then I got back on Tuesday, and was so tired... and school started. Okay, no excuses, I'm back.
So, we spent 8 days in Israel. Which is really short, but enough to remind us why we want to move there. We stayed in Yerushalayim the whole time, and were completely busy, it was the perfect vacation.
Here are some pictures:
Me'ah Shearim:
Fair on Emek Refaim:
Falafels in town:
Guy davening:
Meeting my friend who made Aliyah in 2nd grade:
Israel Museum:
Yosef & his breakfast:
More later...
Posted by
5:46 PM
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